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"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string." 
-L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

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5 Books I Recently Read

For my #40bookschallenge , I started by browsing my own shelves looking for titles that I already owned rather then waiting for library...

An Intention for This Next Year

The sky is overcast, with just a hint of the morning's hoarfrost clinging to November's bare branches. The smell of my daughter's latest...

What's Saving My Life: Homeschool Mum Edition

Autumn is holding on by a few leaves, we're in the final stretch of October (also, how are we here?!) and our homeschool has been in...

These are the days of August

Of celebrating our newest teenager and her love of baking and decorating cakes. Of redeeming multiple trips to the mechanic shop by...

A List of Read Alouds for a Fresh School Year

One of my favourite parts of homeschooling my three children has always been shared stories. I read aloud to them, my husband reads aloud...

Airport Bathrooms and Ebenezers

I took a selfie in the bathroom. I never do that except on the rarest of occasions. But this place felt almost sacred. This airport...

These are the Days

These are the days of early morning runs, soaking up the morning sunshine with nothing in my ears but birdsong.  Unless there is a new...

A Few Things I’m Learning About Homeschooling

We have a month of school under our belts, the routines coming back to all of us like muscle memory. As always, I’ve tweaked the plans I...

What I'll Remember about Summer 2023

School is just around the corner, the leaves in our corner of the world are starting to turn and the comfort of routines is needed. But...

Books I've Been Reading Lately

It used to be that when I got sick, it was a balancing act of movies for the kids and attempted rest for me. Not anymore, my reading list...

Fieldnotes from our Home and School: the May Edition

I'm not sure where the month went but woosh, it went fast. We are in the tension of nearly finished school and thinking ahead to next...

Taco Tuesday

It's marked on the calendar every week. Tuesday night supper = tacos. A no-brainer, decide-once, crowd-pleaser meal. (And yes, those are...

Hello May!

In April we lived the book, Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring. The month began with patches of snow and now the daffodils are nearly in bloom,...

Ten Things about Traveling Internationally with Kids

It's been nearly a year since we took our first trip internationally with our kids and the memories are fodder for many a dinner time...

What I've Been Reading Lately

Spare // Prince Harry Oh, boy this book! I've been on the wait list ever since I knew it was coming out and so joined the thousand or so...

Hello April!

Hello warmer weather and melting snow. Good-bye busy weeks of drama classes and field trips and ski days and Saint Patrick's Day...

What I've Been Reading Lately

This month has felt busier then others and yet my reading journal records a great reading month. After a couple months of a reading...

Fieldnotes from our Home and School: February Edition

Oh February. The longest and the shortest month. Even with all my well-intentions this year, I still felt the February slump where the...

A Season of Micro Adventures & Small Celebrations

Last year at this time we were counting down the days till we took off of on our first international trip as a family. We spent six weeks...

Fieldnotes: from our home and school

For many years, about this time in the year, I've made notes about what's bringing me joy or what's saving my life. It's a habit inspired...

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