I pull up my library's website, quickly log in, and start typing in words to the search engine. Some books come up rapidly but with multiple people who requested the books ahead of me. I toggle between tabs, scanning the list of books that have become old favourites of all of us. I place more requests. The library site tells me that people have also requested the same titles. People who live in my area, a rural community where it's hard to meet people when everyone lives on an acreage down a dirt road.
Chances are they might like other books that I like, not just the richly illustrated ones that we read around the table to start our homeschool day. Chances are they also value a rich and diverse reading experience. Chances are they might be a kindred spirit.
I've often thought as I scroll the library's website and look for the next month's picture book selection, what if I could also add a note to my book request? What if I could write a note for the next reader of the picture books or of my copious stack? Hey, when you're finished reading, let's grab a coffee and talk about the book. I've had the same thought when pulling my fulfilled hold requests from the shelf and spy a book I enjoyed waiting for someone else. Would it be weird or delightful to find a note from another reader, endorsing a solid choice of a weekend read? Or maybe just a simple note, saying I liked the book, let's be friends.